About Us

Deborah Kesten, MPH, is an international nutrition researcher, lecturer, and award-winning author, specializing in preventing and reversing obesity and heart disease. Her books include Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul; The Healing Secrets of Food; and more recently, Make Weight Loss Last. Kesten was the nutritionist on Dean Ornish, M.D.’s first clinical trial for reversing heart disease, and Director of Nutrition on similar reversal research in Europe. She has written more than 300 articles for magazines and other lay publications, and was co-principal investigator on pioneering weight-loss research, the results of which were published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. She is married to co-author Larry Scherwitz, PhD.

Larry Scherwitz, PhD, received his doctorate in Social Psychology from the University of Texas, Austin, and trained in psychophysiology at Harvard Medical School. In a research career spanning more than 30 years, his remarkable record includes: Director of Research on Dean Ornish, M.D.’s program for reversing heart disease; discovering self-involvement as a risk factor for heart disease; research on Integrative Nutrition and weight loss, and more. Scherwitz has published in a plethora of prestigious medical journals, from the Journal of the American Medical Association to The Lancet and Psychosomatic Medicine; his work has been covered in publications from Newsweek to The New York Times. He is married to co-author Deborah Kesten, MPH.